
Bitte nehmen Sie Kontakt zu uns auf, gerne per Telefon oder Mail.

Mo - Fr von 8.00 bis 16.00 Uhr


D-84072 Au / Hallertau

Postfach 1174
D-84070 Au / Hallertau

Telefon: 0049 (0)8752-86140
Telefax: 0049 (0)8752-1424
Mail: info@aetgmbh.de
Internet: www.aetgmbh.de

TSM has sponsored for 20 years different sports associations

Actively we support associations in different sports. The performances of the sportsmen give impulses to our work.

[To the sponsoring site]

You may contact us directly:

Tel:  08752-86140

Mail: info@aetgmbh.de

Current dates

Fairs, Congresses, Meetings. All events at a glance.

[To the overview]