Instructions for use

For reasons of hygiene, the support must be thoroughly washed and well rinsed before use.

TSM supports are produced in blue, skin color, black or other colors (stated for the particular supports) and are available in sizes XS to XL and, for certain supports, also in sizes XXS, XXL or XXXL or in custom sizes.

Supports which are provided with additional supporting or stabilizing elements (e.g. stays, pads), as knee supports are provided with stays, should always be individually fitted by a specialist (orthopedic technician).

The support is correctly sized when it fits tightly, but not so tightly that circulation is impaired. If the support can slip, it's too big.

In order to avoid allergic skin reactions, there should be no oils, lotions, gels, ointments or similar substances on the skin. If treatment with such substances is necessary, the area concerned should be covered with a gauze bandage or similar in order to preclude any possibility of direct contact with the support.

The support should be worn for no longer than 12 hours per day in order to avoid skin irritation/reactions and the covered areas of skin should be washed regularly. Depending upon personal circumstances, the supports may also be worn during night-time rest periods.

Joints supports should, however, not be worn while asleep and /or during extended periods of rest, such as long periods of sitting, due to the low levels of activity during these periods.

In order to prevent overloading of the joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons, the supports should be worn not only during the particular activity, but beforehand too and also for approx. 1 to 2 hours afterwards, so that the supports can achieve their full therapeutic effect.

This ensures that the muscles have the best possible blood supply, that the ligaments and tendons are warmed up and can so withstand higher loads and that metabolites produced in the tissue during exertion are flushed out more rapidly.

Experience has shown that pain relief is achieved in chronic conditions only once individual, long-term therapy tailored to the condition has been administered.

Further details regarding handling and care and instructions for achieving optimum results may be found in the instructions for use, the guarantee notice and wearing instructions for certain supports, which must be issued to the client as prescribed.

We reserve the right to make technical modifications.

TSM has sponsored for 20 years different sports associations

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